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Sztandar-Sztanderska, K., Zieleńska, M. When a Human Says “No” to a Computer: Frontline Oversight of the Profiling Algorithm in Public Employment Services in Poland. Sozialer Fortschritt, 71(6-7), 465-487.
Sztandar-Sztanderska, Karolina and Zieleńska, Marianna "When a Human Says “No” to a Computer: Frontline Oversight of the Profiling Algorithm in Public Employment Services in Poland" Sozialer Fortschritt 71.6-7, 2022, 465-487.
Sztandar-Sztanderska, Karolina/Zieleńska, Marianna (2022): When a Human Says “No” to a Computer: Frontline Oversight of the Profiling Algorithm in Public Employment Services in Poland, in: Sozialer Fortschritt, vol. 71, iss. 6-7, 465-487, [online]


When a Human Says “No” to a Computer: Frontline Oversight of the Profiling Algorithm in Public Employment Services in Poland

Sztandar-Sztanderska, Karolina | Zieleńska, Marianna

Sozialer Fortschritt, Vol. 71 (2022), Iss. 6-7 : pp. 465–487

2 Citations (CrossRef)

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Article Details


Author Details

Sztandar-Sztanderska, Dr. Karolina, Faculty of Sociology, University of Warsaw, ul. Karowa 18, 00-927 Warszawa.

Zieleńska, Dr. Marianna, Faculty of Sociology, University of Warsaw, ul. Karowa 18, 00-927 Warszawa.

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  1. [ACT] Sejm (2014). Ustawa z Dnia 14 Marca 2014 r. o Zmianie Ustawy o Promocji Zatrudnienia i Instytucjach Rynku Pracy Oraz Niektórych Innych Ustaw, Dz.U. 2014 poz. 598.  Google Scholar
  2. [AUDIT] Najwyższa Izba Kontroli (2019) Efektywność świadczenia usług rynku pracy. Informacja o wynikach kontroli, Delegatura w Lublinie.  Google Scholar
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  70. Allhutter, D./Cech, F./Fischer, F./Grill, G./Mager, A. (2020): Algorithmic Profiling of Job Seekers in Austria: How Austerity Politics Are Made Effective, Frontiers in Big Data 3(5): S. 1–17.  Google Scholar
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  73. Bovens, M./Zouridis, S. (2002): From Street-Level to System-Level Bureaucracies: How Information and Communication Technology Is Transforming Administrative Discretion and Constitutional Control, Public Administration Review 62(2), S. 174–84.  Google Scholar
  74. Brodkin, E. Z./Marston, G. (Hrsg.) (2013): Work and the Welfare State: Street-Level Organizations and Workfare Politics, Washington, D.C.  Google Scholar
  75. Busch, P. A./Henriksen, H. Z. (2018): Digital discretion: A systematic literature review of ICT and street-level discretion, Information Polity, 23, S. 3–28.  Google Scholar
  76. Dencik, L./Kaun, A. (2020): Datafication and the Welfare State, Global Perspectives 1(1):12912, S. 1–8.  Google Scholar
  77. Denzin, N. (1970): The Research Act: A Theoretical Introduction to Sociological Methods, Chicago.  Google Scholar
  78. Desiere, S./Langenbucher, K./Struyven, L. (2019): Statistical Profiling in Public Employment Services: An International Comparison, OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers, 224.  Google Scholar
  79. Devlieghere, J./Bradt, L./Roose, R. (2017): Governmental Rationales for Installing Electronic Information Systems: A Quest for Responsive Social Work, Social Policy & Administration 51(7), S. 1488–1504.  Google Scholar
  80. Devlieghere, J./Roose, R. (2018): Electronic Information Systems: In search of responsive social work, Journal of Social Work, 9 (0), S. 1–16.  Google Scholar
  81. Eichhorst, W./Kaufmann, O./Konle-Seidl, R. (2008): Bringing the Jobless into Work?: Experiences with Activation Schemes in Europe and the US., Berlin.  Google Scholar
  82. Eubanks, V. (2017): Automating Inequality: How High-Tech Tools Profile, Police, and Punish the Poor, New York.  Google Scholar
  83. European Commission (2020): Labour market policy: Expenditure and participants: data 2018, [5.11.2021].  Google Scholar
  84. Evans, T. (2016): Professional Discretion in Welfare Services: Beyond Street-Level Bureaucracy, New York.  Google Scholar
  85. Flaszyńska, E. (2020): Profilowanie Pomocy Dla Osoby Bezrobotnej – Nieudany Eksperyment Czy Stracona Szansa?, Praca Socjalna 3(35), S. 109–29.  Google Scholar
  86. Garsten, C./Jacobsson, K./Sztandar-Sztanderska, K. (2016): Negotiating social citizenship at the street-level: Local activation policies and individualization in Sweden and Poland. In: Heidenreich, M./Rice, D. (Hrsg.), Integrating Social and Employment Policies in Europe, S. 265–294.  Google Scholar
  87. Green, B. (2021): The Flaws of Policies Requiring Human Oversight of Government Algorithms, SSRN Electronic Journal, [9.11.2021].  Google Scholar
  88. Henman, P. (2004): Targeted! Population Segmentation, Electronic Surveillance and Governing the Unemployed in Australia, International Sociology 19(2), S. 173–91.  Google Scholar
  89. Herman-Pawłowska, K./Stronkowski, P./Bienias, S./Dybaś, M./Kolczyński, M./Kulawik-Dutkowska, J./Skórska, P. (2016): Ocena Skutków Regulacji Wybranych Aspektów Wdrażania Ustawy z Dnia 14 Marca 2014 r. o Zmianie Ustawy o Promocji Zatrudnienia i Instytucjach Rynku Pracy Oraz Niektórych Innych Ustaw.  Google Scholar
  90. Hildebrandt, M./Gutwirth, S. (Hrsg.) (2008): Profiling the European Citizen: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives, New York.  Google Scholar
  91. Jorna, F./Wagenaar, P. (2007): The “Iron Cage” Strengthened? Discretion and Digital Discipline. Public Administration 85(1), S. 189–214.  Google Scholar
  92. Keymolen, E./Broeders, D. (2013): Innocence Lost: Care and Control in Dutch Digital Youth Care, The British Journal of Social Work, 43(1), S. 41–63.  Google Scholar
  93. Kukulak-Dolata, I. (2015): Kontraktacja Usług Rynku Pracy – Szanse i Zagrożenia, Polityka Społeczna, S. 17–22.  Google Scholar
  94. Larsson, B./Jacobsson, B. (2013): Discretion in the “Backyard of Law”: Case Handling of Debt Relief in Sweden, Professions and Professionalism, 3(1), S. 1–17.  Google Scholar
  95. Lipsky, M. (2010): Street-Level Bureaucracy: Dilemmas of the Individual in Public Services, Russelll Sage Foundation.  Google Scholar
  96. Mazur, J. (2019): Automated Decision-Making and the Precautionary Principle in EU Law, Baltic Journal of European Studies 9(4), S. 3–18.  Google Scholar
  97. Mittelstadt, B. D./Allo, P./Taddeo, M./Wachter, S./Floridi, L. (2016): The Ethics of Algorithms: Mapping the Debate, Big Data & Society 3(2), S. 1–21.  Google Scholar
  98. Mozzana, C. (2019): A Matter of Definitions: The Profiling of People in Italian Active Labour Market Policies’. Historical Social Research 44(2), S. 225–246.  Google Scholar
  99. Niklas, J./Sztandar-Sztanderska, K./Szymielewicz, K. (2015): Profiling the Unemployed in Poland: Social and Political Implications of Algorithmic Decison-Making, Fundacja Panoptykon, [01.10.2017].  Google Scholar
  100. Pithouse, A./Broadhurst, K./Hall, C./Peckover, S./Wastell, D./White, S. (2011): Trust, Risk and the (Mis)Management of Contingency and Discretion through New Information Technologies in Children’s Services, Journal of Social Work 12(2), S. 158–78.  Google Scholar
  101. Skitka, L. J./Mosier, K. L./Burdick, M. (1999): Does Automation Bias Decision-Making?, International Journal in Human-Computer Studies 51, S. 991–1006.  Google Scholar
  102. Snellen, I. (1998): Street Level Bureaucracy in an Information Age. In: Snellen, I. & W. Van De Donk (Hrsg.), Public Administration in an Information Age. A Handbook, IOS Press, S. 497–504.  Google Scholar
  103. Sztandar-Sztanderska, K. (2016): Obywatel spotyka państwo: o urzędach pracy jako biurokracji pierwszego kontaktu [Citizen Meets State: On the Public Employment Services in Poland as Street-Level Bureaucracy], Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, Warszawa.  Google Scholar
  104. Sztandar-Sztanderska, K./Kotnarowski, M./Zieleńska, M. (2021): Czy algorytmy wprowadzają w błąd? Metaanaliza algorytmu stosowanego do profilowania bezrobotnych w Polsce [Are the algorithms misleading? The Meta-analysis of the algorithm for profiling of the unemployed used in Poland], Studia Socjologiczne, 1(240), S. 89–116.  Google Scholar
  105. Sztandar-Sztanderska, K./Zieleńska, M. (2018): Changing social citizenship through information technology, Social Work & Society, an International Online Journal 16(2).  Google Scholar
  106. Sztandar-Sztanderska, K./Zieleńska, M. (2020): What Makes an Ideal Unemployed Person? Values and Norms Encapsulated in a Computerized Profiling Tool, Social Work & Society, an International Online Journal 18(1).  Google Scholar
  107. van Berkel, R. (2010): The Provision of Income Protection and Activation Services for the Unemployed in “Active” Welfare States. An International Comparison, Journal of Social Policy 39(1), S. 17–34.  Google Scholar
  108. van Berkel, R./Caswell D./Kupka P./Larsen F. (Hrsg.) (2017): Frontline Delivery of Welfare-to-Work-Policies in Europe. Activating the Unemployed, New York, London.  Google Scholar
  109. Wastell, D./White, S./Broadhurst, K./Peckover, S./Pithouse, A. (2010): Children’s Services in the Iron Cage of Performance Management: Street-Level Bureaucracy and the Spectre of Svejkism, International Journal of Social Welfare, 310–320.  Google Scholar
  110. Yeung, K. (2019): Why Worry about Decision-Making by Machine? In: Yeung K./Lodge, M. (Hrsg.), Algorithmic regulation, S. 21–48.  Google Scholar


Based on the case study of profiling algorithm implemented in local Public Employment Services in Poland, the article analyses frontline oversight over the automated decision-making system (ADM). Putting humans in the decision-­making loop is considered an accountability mechanism in a digital welfare state. Using evidence coming from interviews, documents, and statistics, the article takes a closer look at whether and why – despite critical attitude towards the algorithm – street-level bureaucrats were reluctant to say “no” to a computer. Research indicates that the reluctance to override automatic results at street-level is a context-dependent phenomenon, in which policy and organisational factors play a role, alongside invisible discretionary practices of working around ADM without overtly correcting it.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Karolina Sztandar-Sztanderska / Marianna Zieleńska: When a Human Says “No” to a Computer: Frontline Oversight of the Profiling Algorithm in Public Employment Services in Poland 1
Abstract 1
Zusammenfassung: Wenn ein Mensch „Nein“ zu einem Computer sagt: Frontline-Überwachung des Profiling-Algorithmus in öffentlichen Arbeitsverwaltungen in Polen 2
1. Introduction 2
2. The Impact of ICTs on Decision-Making Processes at the Street-Level 4
3. The Implementation of Computerised Profiling in Labour Market Policy in Poland 5
4. Methods 8
5. Frontline Oversight of the Profiling Algorithm in PES – the Results of the Study 1
5.1 Policy-Level Factors – the Ambiguous Policy and Electronic Surveillance 1
5.2 Organisational Factors – Management as a Policy-Intermediary and the Role of Working Conditions 1
5.3 Individual Differences – Responsibility for Decision-Making and the Use of Workarounds 1
6. Concluding Remarks 1
7. Annex 2
References 2