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The Aristotelian concept of τύχη: daseinanalytical perspectives



Makuc, J. The Aristotelian concept of τύχη: daseinanalytical perspectives. Heidegger Studies / Heidegger Studien / Etudes Heideggeriennes / Studi Heideggeriani, 38(1), 185-206.
Makuc, Jaka "The Aristotelian concept of τύχη: daseinanalytical perspectives" Heidegger Studies / Heidegger Studien / Etudes Heideggeriennes / Studi Heideggeriani 38.1, 2022, 185-206.
Makuc, Jaka (2022): The Aristotelian concept of τύχη: daseinanalytical perspectives, in: Heidegger Studies / Heidegger Studien / Etudes Heideggeriennes / Studi Heideggeriani, vol. 38, iss. 1, 185-206, [online]


The Aristotelian concept of τύχη: daseinanalytical perspectives

Makuc, Jaka

Heidegger Studies / Heidegger Studien / Etudes Heideggeriennes / Studi Heideggeriani, Vol. 38 (2022), Iss. 1 : pp. 185–206

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Author Details

Jaka Makuc (PhD Student), Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, Dipartimento di Filosofia e Comunicazione, Via Azzo Gardino 23, I-40122 Bolgna,


  1. GA 9: Vom Wesen und Begriff der φύσις. Aristoteles, Physik B, 1; tr. (by. Thomas Sheehan), On the Essence and Concept of φύσις in Aristotle’s Physics B, I, in: Pathmarks (ed. By William McNeill), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1998.  Google Scholar
  2. GA 13: Aus der Erfahrung des Denkens.  Google Scholar
  3. GA 18: Grundbegriffe der aristotelische Philosophie; tr. (by Robert de Metcalf and Mark B. Tanzer), Basic Concepts of Aristotelian Philosophy, Bloomington: Indiana University Press 2009.  Google Scholar
  4. GA 19: Sophistes; tr. (by Richard Rojcewicz and André Schuwer), Plato’s Sophist, Bloomington: Indiana University Press 2003.  Google Scholar
  5. GA 22: Die Grundbegriffe der antiken Philosophie; tr. (by Richard Rojcewicz), Basic Concept of Ancient Philosophy, Bloomington: Indiana University Press 2008.  Google Scholar
  6. GA 31: Vom Wesen der menschlichen Freiheit. Einleitung in die Philosophie; tr. (by Ted Sadler), The Essence of Human Freedom. An introduction to Philosophy, New York: Continuum 2002.  Google Scholar
  7. GA 61: Phänomenologische Interpretationen zu Aristoteles. Einführung in die phänomenologische Forschung; tr. (by Richard Rojcewicz), Phenomenological Interpretations of Aristotle. Initiation into Phenomenological Research, Bloomington: Indiana University Press 2001.  Google Scholar
  8. GA 62: Phänomenologische Interpretationen ausgewälter Abhandlungen des Aristoteles zur Ontologie und Logik; part. tr. (by Michael Baur), Phenomenological Interpretations with Respect to Aristotle: Indication of the Hermeneutical Situation, in: Man and World, 25 (1992), pp. 355 – 393.  Google Scholar
  9. GA 63: Ontologie (Hermeneutik der Faktizität); tr. (by John van Buren), Ontology – The Hermeneutics of Facticity, Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1999.  Google Scholar
  10. GA 70: Über den Anfang.  Google Scholar
  11. GA 83: Seminare. Platon – Aristoteles – Augustinus.  Google Scholar
  12. Aristotle, Metaphysics, tr. by Charles D.C. Reeve, Indianapolis/Cambridge: Hackett 2016.  Google Scholar
  13. – Poetics, tr. by Anthony Kenny, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2013.  Google Scholar
  14. – Nicomachean Ethics, tr. by Roger Crisp, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2004.  Google Scholar
  15. – Physics, tr. by Robin. Waterfield, Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press 1996.  Google Scholar
  16. Brentano, Franz, Von der mannigfachen Bedeutung des Seienden nach Aristoteles, Freiburg: Herder 1862; tr. (by Rolf George), On the Several Senses of Being in Aristotle, Berkeley/Los Angeles/London: University of California Press 1975.  Google Scholar
  17. Weiss, Helene, Kausalität und Zufall in der Philosophie des Aristoteles, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 1967.  Google Scholar
  18. Ansen, Reiner, Bewegtheit. Zur Genesis einer kinetischen Ontologie bei Heidegger, Cuxhaven: Junghans-Verlag 1990.  Google Scholar
  19. Athanassoulis, Nafsika, Morality, Moral Luck and Responsibility. Fortune’s Web, New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2005.  Google Scholar
  20. Bernet, Rudolf, “Die Lehre von der Bewegung bei Aristoteles und Heideggers Verständnis von der Bewegtheit menschlichen Lebens”, in: Michael Steinmann (Hg.), Heidegger und die Griechen, Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann 2007 (Martin-Heidegger-Gesellschaft, Schriftenreihe, Bd. 8), pp. 95 – 122.  Google Scholar
  21. Blattner, William D., Heidegger’s Temporal Idealism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1999.  Google Scholar
  22. Brogan, Walter, Heidegger and Aristotle. The Twofoldness of Being, Albany: State University of New York Press 2005.  Google Scholar
  23. D’Angelo, Antonello, Heidegger e Aristotele. La potenza e l’atto, Napoli: Il Mulino 2000.  Google Scholar
  24. Dudley, John, Aristotle Concept of Chance. Accidents, Cause, Necessity, and Determinism, New York: Suny Press 2012.  Google Scholar
  25. Galanti Grollo, Sebastiano, Esistenza e mondo. L’ermeneutica della fatticità in Heidegger, Padova: Il Poligrafo 2002.  Google Scholar
  26. Gammage, Jennifer, “Accidental Origins: The Importance of Tuchē and Automaton for Heidegger’s 1922 Reading of Aristotle”, in: Gatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual, 9 (2019), pp. 28 – 59.  Google Scholar
  27. Kisiel, Theodore, The Genesis of Heidegger’s Being and Time, London: University of California Press 1995.  Google Scholar
  28. Lo Casto, Claudia, L’essere come dynamis, Pisa: ETS 2019.  Google Scholar
  29. Masi, Francesca G., Qualsiasi cosa capiti: natura e causa dell’ente accidentale. Aristotele, Metafisica Epsilon 2 – 3, Amsterdam: Adolf M. Hakkert, 2015.  Google Scholar
  30. Michalski, Mark, “Dasein und Bewegung. Zu Heideggers Interpretation der aristotelischen Physik Γ 1 – 3”, in: Günther Pöltner, Matthias Flatscher (Hg.), Heidegger und die Antike, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang 2005, pp. 124 – 135.  Google Scholar
  31. Mora, Francesco, L’ente in movimento, Padova: Il Poligrafo 2000.  Google Scholar
  32. Pasqualin, Chiara, Il fondamento “patico” dell’ermeneutico. Affettività, pensiero e linguaggio nell’opera di Heidegger, Roma: InSchibboleth 2015.  Google Scholar
  33. Sadler, Ted, Heidegger and Aristotle. The Question of Being, London and Atlantic Highlands: The Athlone Press 1996.  Google Scholar
  34. Volpi, Franco, Heidegger e Aristotele, Roma-Bari: Laterza 2010.  Google Scholar
  35. – “È ancora possibile un’etica? Heidegger e la filosofia pratica”, in: Acta Philosophica, vol. 11/2 (2002), pp. 291 – 314.  Google Scholar
  36. – “Being and Time: A “Translation” of the Nicomachean Ethics?”, in: Theodore Kisiel, John van Buren (Hg.), Reading Heidegger from the Start. Essays in His Earliest Thought, Albany: State University of New York Press 1994, pp. 195 – 211.  Google Scholar
  37. Zucca, Diego, “Il caso e la fortuna sono cause? Aristotele, Phys. II 4 – 6”, in Claudio Natali, Stefano Maso (eds.), La catena delle cause. Determinismo e antideterminismo nel pensiero antico e contemporaneo, Amsterdam: Adolf M. Hakkert 2005, pp. 75 – 97.  Google Scholar
  38. GA 9: Vom Wesen und Begriff der φύσις. Aristoteles, Physik B, 1; tr. (by. Thomas Sheehan), On the Essence and Concept of φύσις in Aristotle’s Physics B, I, in: Pathmarks (ed. By William McNeill), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1998.  Google Scholar
  39. GA 13: Aus der Erfahrung des Denkens.  Google Scholar
  40. GA 18: Grundbegriffe der aristotelische Philosophie; tr. (by Robert de Metcalf and Mark B. Tanzer), Basic Concepts of Aristotelian Philosophy, Bloomington: Indiana University Press 2009.  Google Scholar
  41. GA 19: Sophistes; tr. (by Richard Rojcewicz and André Schuwer), Plato’s Sophist, Bloomington: Indiana University Press 2003.  Google Scholar
  42. GA 22: Die Grundbegriffe der antiken Philosophie; tr. (by Richard Rojcewicz), Basic Concept of Ancient Philosophy, Bloomington: Indiana University Press 2008.  Google Scholar
  43. GA 31: Vom Wesen der menschlichen Freiheit. Einleitung in die Philosophie; tr. (by Ted Sadler), The Essence of Human Freedom. An introduction to Philosophy, New York: Continuum 2002.  Google Scholar
  44. GA 61: Phänomenologische Interpretationen zu Aristoteles. Einführung in die phänomenologische Forschung; tr. (by Richard Rojcewicz), Phenomenological Interpretations of Aristotle. Initiation into Phenomenological Research, Bloomington: Indiana University Press 2001.  Google Scholar
  45. GA 62: Phänomenologische Interpretationen ausgewälter Abhandlungen des Aristoteles zur Ontologie und Logik; part. tr. (by Michael Baur), Phenomenological Interpretations with Respect to Aristotle: Indication of the Hermeneutical Situation, in: Man and World, 25 (1992), pp. 355 – 393.  Google Scholar
  46. GA 63: Ontologie (Hermeneutik der Faktizität); tr. (by John van Buren), Ontology – The Hermeneutics of Facticity, Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1999.  Google Scholar
  47. GA 70: Über den Anfang.  Google Scholar
  48. GA 83: Seminare. Platon – Aristoteles – Augustinus.  Google Scholar
  49. Aristotle, Metaphysics, tr. by Charles D.C. Reeve, Indianapolis/Cambridge: Hackett 2016.  Google Scholar
  50. – Poetics, tr. by Anthony Kenny, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2013.  Google Scholar
  51. – Nicomachean Ethics, tr. by Roger Crisp, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2004.  Google Scholar
  52. – Physics, tr. by Robin. Waterfield, Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press 1996.  Google Scholar
  53. Brentano, Franz, Von der mannigfachen Bedeutung des Seienden nach Aristoteles, Freiburg: Herder 1862; tr. (by Rolf George), On the Several Senses of Being in Aristotle, Berkeley/Los Angeles/London: University of California Press 1975.  Google Scholar
  54. Weiss, Helene, Kausalität und Zufall in der Philosophie des Aristoteles, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 1967.  Google Scholar
  55. Ansen, Reiner, Bewegtheit. Zur Genesis einer kinetischen Ontologie bei Heidegger, Cuxhaven: Junghans-Verlag 1990.  Google Scholar
  56. Athanassoulis, Nafsika, Morality, Moral Luck and Responsibility. Fortune’s Web, New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2005.  Google Scholar
  57. Bernet, Rudolf, “Die Lehre von der Bewegung bei Aristoteles und Heideggers Verständnis von der Bewegtheit menschlichen Lebens”, in: Michael Steinmann (Hg.), Heidegger und die Griechen, Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann 2007 (Martin-Heidegger-Gesellschaft, Schriftenreihe, Bd. 8), pp. 95 – 122.  Google Scholar
  58. Blattner, William D., Heidegger’s Temporal Idealism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1999.  Google Scholar
  59. Brogan, Walter, Heidegger and Aristotle. The Twofoldness of Being, Albany: State University of New York Press 2005.  Google Scholar
  60. D’Angelo, Antonello, Heidegger e Aristotele. La potenza e l’atto, Napoli: Il Mulino 2000.  Google Scholar
  61. Dudley, John, Aristotle Concept of Chance. Accidents, Cause, Necessity, and Determinism, New York: Suny Press 2012.  Google Scholar
  62. Galanti Grollo, Sebastiano, Esistenza e mondo. L’ermeneutica della fatticità in Heidegger, Padova: Il Poligrafo 2002.  Google Scholar
  63. Gammage, Jennifer, “Accidental Origins: The Importance of Tuchē and Automaton for Heidegger’s 1922 Reading of Aristotle”, in: Gatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual, 9 (2019), pp. 28 – 59.  Google Scholar
  64. Kisiel, Theodore, The Genesis of Heidegger’s Being and Time, London: University of California Press 1995.  Google Scholar
  65. Lo Casto, Claudia, L’essere come dynamis, Pisa: ETS 2019.  Google Scholar
  66. Masi, Francesca G., Qualsiasi cosa capiti: natura e causa dell’ente accidentale. Aristotele, Metafisica Epsilon 2 – 3, Amsterdam: Adolf M. Hakkert, 2015.  Google Scholar
  67. Michalski, Mark, “Dasein und Bewegung. Zu Heideggers Interpretation der aristotelischen Physik Γ 1 – 3”, in: Günther Pöltner, Matthias Flatscher (Hg.), Heidegger und die Antike, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang 2005, pp. 124 – 135.  Google Scholar
  68. Mora, Francesco, L’ente in movimento, Padova: Il Poligrafo 2000.  Google Scholar
  69. Pasqualin, Chiara, Il fondamento “patico” dell’ermeneutico. Affettività, pensiero e linguaggio nell’opera di Heidegger, Roma: InSchibboleth 2015.  Google Scholar
  70. Sadler, Ted, Heidegger and Aristotle. The Question of Being, London and Atlantic Highlands: The Athlone Press 1996.  Google Scholar
  71. Volpi, Franco, Heidegger e Aristotele, Roma-Bari: Laterza 2010.  Google Scholar
  72. – “È ancora possibile un’etica? Heidegger e la filosofia pratica”, in: Acta Philosophica, vol. 11/2 (2002), pp. 291 – 314.  Google Scholar
  73. – “Being and Time: A “Translation” of the Nicomachean Ethics?”, in: Theodore Kisiel, John van Buren (Hg.), Reading Heidegger from the Start. Essays in His Earliest Thought, Albany: State University of New York Press 1994, pp. 195 – 211.  Google Scholar
  74. Zucca, Diego, “Il caso e la fortuna sono cause? Aristotele, Phys. II 4 – 6”, in Claudio Natali, Stefano Maso (eds.), La catena delle cause. Determinismo e antideterminismo nel pensiero antico e contemporaneo, Amsterdam: Adolf M. Hakkert 2005, pp. 75 – 97.  Google Scholar
  75. GA 9: Vom Wesen und Begriff der φύσις. Aristoteles, Physik B, 1; tr. (by. Thomas Sheehan), On the Essence and Concept of φύσις in Aristotle’s Physics B, I, in: Pathmarks (ed. By William McNeill), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1998.  Google Scholar
  76. GA 13: Aus der Erfahrung des Denkens.  Google Scholar
  77. GA 18: Grundbegriffe der aristotelische Philosophie; tr. (by Robert de Metcalf and Mark B. Tanzer), Basic Concepts of Aristotelian Philosophy, Bloomington: Indiana University Press 2009.  Google Scholar
  78. GA 19: Sophistes; tr. (by Richard Rojcewicz and André Schuwer), Plato’s Sophist, Bloomington: Indiana University Press 2003.  Google Scholar
  79. GA 22: Die Grundbegriffe der antiken Philosophie; tr. (by Richard Rojcewicz), Basic Concept of Ancient Philosophy, Bloomington: Indiana University Press 2008.  Google Scholar
  80. GA 31: Vom Wesen der menschlichen Freiheit. Einleitung in die Philosophie; tr. (by Ted Sadler), The Essence of Human Freedom. An introduction to Philosophy, New York: Continuum 2002.  Google Scholar
  81. GA 61: Phänomenologische Interpretationen zu Aristoteles. Einführung in die phänomenologische Forschung; tr. (by Richard Rojcewicz), Phenomenological Interpretations of Aristotle. Initiation into Phenomenological Research, Bloomington: Indiana University Press 2001.  Google Scholar
  82. GA 62: Phänomenologische Interpretationen ausgewälter Abhandlungen des Aristoteles zur Ontologie und Logik; part. tr. (by Michael Baur), Phenomenological Interpretations with Respect to Aristotle: Indication of the Hermeneutical Situation, in: Man and World, 25 (1992), pp. 355 – 393.  Google Scholar
  83. GA 63: Ontologie (Hermeneutik der Faktizität); tr. (by John van Buren), Ontology – The Hermeneutics of Facticity, Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1999.  Google Scholar
  84. GA 70: Über den Anfang.  Google Scholar
  85. GA 83: Seminare. Platon – Aristoteles – Augustinus.  Google Scholar
  86. Aristotle, Metaphysics, tr. by Charles D.C. Reeve, Indianapolis/Cambridge: Hackett 2016.  Google Scholar
  87. – Poetics, tr. by Anthony Kenny, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2013.  Google Scholar
  88. – Nicomachean Ethics, tr. by Roger Crisp, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2004.  Google Scholar
  89. – Physics, tr. by Robin. Waterfield, Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press 1996.  Google Scholar
  90. Brentano, Franz, Von der mannigfachen Bedeutung des Seienden nach Aristoteles, Freiburg: Herder 1862; tr. (by Rolf George), On the Several Senses of Being in Aristotle, Berkeley/Los Angeles/London: University of California Press 1975.  Google Scholar
  91. Weiss, Helene, Kausalität und Zufall in der Philosophie des Aristoteles, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 1967.  Google Scholar
  92. Ansen, Reiner, Bewegtheit. Zur Genesis einer kinetischen Ontologie bei Heidegger, Cuxhaven: Junghans-Verlag 1990.  Google Scholar
  93. Athanassoulis, Nafsika, Morality, Moral Luck and Responsibility. Fortune’s Web, New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2005.  Google Scholar
  94. Bernet, Rudolf, “Die Lehre von der Bewegung bei Aristoteles und Heideggers Verständnis von der Bewegtheit menschlichen Lebens”, in: Michael Steinmann (Hg.), Heidegger und die Griechen, Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann 2007 (Martin-Heidegger-Gesellschaft, Schriftenreihe, Bd. 8), pp. 95 – 122.  Google Scholar
  95. Blattner, William D., Heidegger’s Temporal Idealism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1999.  Google Scholar
  96. Brogan, Walter, Heidegger and Aristotle. The Twofoldness of Being, Albany: State University of New York Press 2005.  Google Scholar
  97. D’Angelo, Antonello, Heidegger e Aristotele. La potenza e l’atto, Napoli: Il Mulino 2000.  Google Scholar
  98. Dudley, John, Aristotle Concept of Chance. Accidents, Cause, Necessity, and Determinism, New York: Suny Press 2012.  Google Scholar
  99. Galanti Grollo, Sebastiano, Esistenza e mondo. L’ermeneutica della fatticità in Heidegger, Padova: Il Poligrafo 2002.  Google Scholar
  100. Gammage, Jennifer, “Accidental Origins: The Importance of Tuchē and Automaton for Heidegger’s 1922 Reading of Aristotle”, in: Gatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual, 9 (2019), pp. 28 – 59.  Google Scholar
  101. Kisiel, Theodore, The Genesis of Heidegger’s Being and Time, London: University of California Press 1995.  Google Scholar
  102. Lo Casto, Claudia, L’essere come dynamis, Pisa: ETS 2019.  Google Scholar
  103. Masi, Francesca G., Qualsiasi cosa capiti: natura e causa dell’ente accidentale. Aristotele, Metafisica Epsilon 2 – 3, Amsterdam: Adolf M. Hakkert, 2015.  Google Scholar
  104. Michalski, Mark, “Dasein und Bewegung. Zu Heideggers Interpretation der aristotelischen Physik Γ 1 – 3”, in: Günther Pöltner, Matthias Flatscher (Hg.), Heidegger und die Antike, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang 2005, pp. 124 – 135.  Google Scholar
  105. Mora, Francesco, L’ente in movimento, Padova: Il Poligrafo 2000.  Google Scholar
  106. Pasqualin, Chiara, Il fondamento “patico” dell’ermeneutico. Affettività, pensiero e linguaggio nell’opera di Heidegger, Roma: InSchibboleth 2015.  Google Scholar
  107. Sadler, Ted, Heidegger and Aristotle. The Question of Being, London and Atlantic Highlands: The Athlone Press 1996.  Google Scholar
  108. Volpi, Franco, Heidegger e Aristotele, Roma-Bari: Laterza 2010.  Google Scholar
  109. – “È ancora possibile un’etica? Heidegger e la filosofia pratica”, in: Acta Philosophica, vol. 11/2 (2002), pp. 291 – 314.  Google Scholar
  110. – “Being and Time: A “Translation” of the Nicomachean Ethics?”, in: Theodore Kisiel, John van Buren (Hg.), Reading Heidegger from the Start. Essays in His Earliest Thought, Albany: State University of New York Press 1994, pp. 195 – 211.  Google Scholar
  111. Zucca, Diego, “Il caso e la fortuna sono cause? Aristotele, Phys. II 4 – 6”, in Claudio Natali, Stefano Maso (eds.), La catena delle cause. Determinismo e antideterminismo nel pensiero antico e contemporaneo, Amsterdam: Adolf M. Hakkert 2005, pp. 75 – 97.  Google Scholar


This essay tries to retrace Heidegger’s interpretation of the Aristotelian concepts of συµβεβη­κὸς, τύχη and αὐτόμα­τον and their role within daseinanalytic ontology. We will try to show how Heidegger manages to unify the three terms (which in Aristotelian philosophy remain distinct although related) into a single ontological concept, capable of exercising a negative function with respect to the conception of being as Anwesenheit. However, one will come to notice the lack of an effective Heideggerian thematization of the concept of τύχη, whose ontological importance for the Dasein will instead be prepared and enhanced by his student Helene Weiss.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Jaka Makuc: The Aristotelian concept of τύχη: daseinanalytical perspectives 185
Movement and accidental: from Aristotle to the ʻUnfamiliarʼ of factical life 185
Τύχη and πρᾶξις in Physics II 4^–^6 190
The problem of τύχη in the daseinanalytic perspective 194
Bibliography 203
Gesamtausgabe 203
Primary Literature 203
Secondary Literature 204
Abstract 205