Bio-psycho-soziale Beschwerden und Belastungen bei Studierenden der Sozialen Arbeit während der COVID-19-Pandemie
Bio-psycho-soziale Beschwerden und Belastungen bei Studierenden der Sozialen Arbeit während der COVID-19-Pandemie
Tagay, Sefik | Henke, Marlon | Yildiz, Melek | Steinbach, Nora | Rissart, Dominik | Strauch, Iris
Sozialer Fortschritt, Vol. 71 (2022), Iss. 12 : pp. 871–897
1 Citations (CrossRef)
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Article Details
Author Details
Tagay, Prof. Dr. Sefik, Professur für Psychologie mit dem Schwerpunkt Public Health, Fakultät für Angewandte Sozialwissenschaften, Technische Hochschule Köln.
Henke, Marlon
Yildiz, Melek
Steinbach, Nora
Rissart, Dominik
Strauch, Iris
Cited By
Health and health literacy among social work students in Germany: A cross-sectional health survey
Hollederer, Alfons
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Social Work in Public Health, Vol. 40 (2025), Iss. 2 P.57 [Citations: 1]
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Abstract: Bio-Psycho-Social Complaints and Stress in Social Work Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Shortly after the WHO declared the Corona outbreak a pandemic on March 12, 2020, universities around the world closed and teaching switched almost entirely to an online format, creating additional challenges and requiring students to quickly adjust their study habits. These changes and the uncertainty of when universities would reopen created additional potential sources of stress. The aim of this study is to investigate the bio-psycho-social impact of the COVID-19 pandemic among social work students at a faculty of applied social sciences in Germany in a multidimensional manner. Our central research question was therefore: how do students experience study-related stressors after the outbreak of the pandemic and what are the effects on physical and mental health? We analyzed data from 618 students (age: 28.73, SD = 8.20 years; gender: 84.4% female, 13.1% male, 2.1% inter/diverse). The data collection was conducted through an online survey from 08/03/2020 to 11/01/2020. The results showed a significant increase in psychological complaints as well as social, economic and study-related stress during the COVID-19 pandemic. These correlated significantly, as expected, with psychological discomfort due to reduction in social contact (r = .647, p < .001), with somatic discomfort (r = .597, p < .001), area-specific concerns (r = .520, p < .001, living alone (r = .244, p < .001), and with fear of infection (r = .164, p < .001). In contrast, the number of semesters studied (r = .0119, p < .695) and the question about receiving a student loan (r = -.078, p < .107) were not significant. The reduction of social contacts shows multiple effects on different levels, in the area of emotions, cognitions and behavior. In order to reduce students’ stress levels and strengthen coping resources, issues of self-efficacy, sense of coherence, and improvement of study conditions are discussed.
Table of Contents
Section Title | Page | Action | Price |
Sefik Tagay et al.: Bio-psycho-soziale Beschwerden und Belastungen bei Studierenden der Sozialen Arbeit während der COVID-19-Pandemie | 871 | ||
Zusammenfassung | 871 | ||
Abstract: Bio-Psycho-Social Complaints and Stress in Social Work Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic | 872 | ||
1. Einleitung | 872 | ||
2. Methoden | 875 | ||
2.1 Untersuchungsablauf | 875 | ||
2.2 Messinstrumente | 876 | ||
2.3 Statistische Datenanalyse | 877 | ||
3. Ergebnisse | 878 | ||
3.1 Stichprobe | 878 | ||
3.2 Reliabilitäten und Interkorrelationen | 878 | ||
3.3 Infektionsangst (COVID-19) | 881 | ||
3.4 Kritische Lebensereignisse (körperliche, soziale und studienbezogene Belastungen) | 882 | ||
3.5 Beschwerden und Belastungen vor und während der COVID-19-Pandemie | 883 | ||
3.6 Psychische Beschwerden (KSBI) der Gesamtstichprobe und nach Wohnsituation (alleinlebend vs. mit anderen zusammenlebend) | 885 | ||
3.7 Körperliche Beschwerden (TSI) nach Wohnsituation (alleinlebend vs. mit anderen zusammenlebend) | 886 | ||
3.8 Veränderungen aufgrund der Beeinträchtigung sozialer Kontakte | 887 | ||
3.9 Was hilft gegen die COVID-19-Pandemie? | 888 | ||
4. Diskussion | 888 | ||
Literatur | 892 |