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Measuring Inflation: Testing Carl Menger’s Concept of the Inner Value of Money



Fase, M., Folkertsma, C. Measuring Inflation: Testing Carl Menger’s Concept of the Inner Value of Money. Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, 34(2), 197-222.
Fase, M.M.G. and Folkertsma, C. K "Measuring Inflation: Testing Carl Menger’s Concept of the Inner Value of Money" Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital 34.2, 2001, 197-222.
Fase, M.M.G./Folkertsma, C. K (2001): Measuring Inflation: Testing Carl Menger’s Concept of the Inner Value of Money, in: Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, vol. 34, iss. 2, 197-222, [online]


Measuring Inflation: Testing Carl Menger’s Concept of the Inner Value of Money

Fase, M.M.G. | Folkertsma, C. K

Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, Vol. 34 (2001), Iss. 2 : pp. 197–222

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Author Details

M. M. G. Fase, Amsterdam

C. K. Folkertsma, Amsterdam


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This paper attempts to operationalize Carl Menger’s concept of the “innerer Tauschwert des Geldes”, i.e. the inner value of money. Since the change in the inner value of money is the component of price movements which is due to monetary influences, the operationalization provides an alternative measure of inflation. We consider several approaches for gauging the change in the inner value of money. Of these, we use a structural VAR model to identify the price movements in the Netherlands and the EU due to monetary shocks. (JEL E31)