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Vermögenseffekte: Die Diskrepanz zwischen ihrer Bedeutung in ökonomischen Modellen und ihrer theoretischen Fundierung



Größl-Gschwendtner, I. Vermögenseffekte: Die Diskrepanz zwischen ihrer Bedeutung in ökonomischen Modellen und ihrer theoretischen Fundierung. Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, 24(2), 271-293.
Größl-Gschwendtner, Ingrid "Vermögenseffekte: Die Diskrepanz zwischen ihrer Bedeutung in ökonomischen Modellen und ihrer theoretischen Fundierung" Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital 24.2, 1991, 271-293.
Größl-Gschwendtner, Ingrid (1991): Vermögenseffekte: Die Diskrepanz zwischen ihrer Bedeutung in ökonomischen Modellen und ihrer theoretischen Fundierung, in: Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, vol. 24, iss. 2, 271-293, [online]


Vermögenseffekte: Die Diskrepanz zwischen ihrer Bedeutung in ökonomischen Modellen und ihrer theoretischen Fundierung

Größl-Gschwendtner, Ingrid

Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, Vol. 24 (1991), Iss. 2 : pp. 271–293

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Author Details

Ingrid Größl-Gschwendtner, Oldenburg


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Property Effects: Their Differential Importance for Economic Models and for their Theoretical Foundations

Wealth effects play an important role in both aperiodic neoclassical and Keynesian models. In particular this holds true for the so-called direct wealth effects which are induced by changes in the nominal money stock and the number of outstanding securities. In many models the realization of a long-run equilibrium depends fundamentally on the working of those direct wealth effects. Examples are the monetary approach of the balance of payments, the IS-LM-models considering a government budget deficit and the portfolio-balance-approach. After a short description of these models it is shown, that the wealth effect on money demand being an essential constituent of the extended IS-LM-model and the portfolio-balance-approach is originated in an inconsistent relationship between the monetary and real sector. Furthermore it is shown that a direct wealth effect on consumption cannot be deduced within the framework of typical household optimization models. Instead it is shown, that consumption depends on the total of the discounted income stream. This leads to an alternative wealth definition being used in intertemporal macroeconomic models. Itis shown that wealth effects in the above defined sense with the dynamic stock-flowprocess as a consequence do also not exist.