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On the Stability of the Balanced Growth Path in the Solow Model



Rauch, B. On the Stability of the Balanced Growth Path in the Solow Model. Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, 119(1), 45-55.
Rauch, Bernhard "On the Stability of the Balanced Growth Path in the Solow Model" Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch 119.1, 1999, 45-55.
Rauch, Bernhard (1999): On the Stability of the Balanced Growth Path in the Solow Model, in: Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, vol. 119, iss. 1, 45-55, [online]


On the Stability of the Balanced Growth Path in the Solow Model

Rauch, Bernhard

Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, Vol. 119 (1999), Iss. 1 : pp. 45–55

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Rauch, Bernhard


In the Solow growth model, capital intensity and per capita income converge to their equilibrium values. This note shows that nevertheless the difference between the balanced and the actual growth path of the absolute values generally diverges to infinity. The paper shows how this divergence is related to the convergence rate for the per capita values and describes the conditions under which the result occurs if the saving decision is endogenous. An implication of the result is demonstrated in an extension of the model containing environmental pollution.