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Armut trotz Arbeit im Fokus der EU-Politik: Das „Working, Yet Poor“-Projekt im Kontext



Hießl, C. Armut trotz Arbeit im Fokus der EU-Politik: Das „Working, Yet Poor“-Projekt im Kontext. Sozialer Fortschritt, 72(2), 109-129.
Hießl, Christina "Armut trotz Arbeit im Fokus der EU-Politik: Das „Working, Yet Poor“-Projekt im Kontext" Sozialer Fortschritt 72.2, 2023, 109-129.
Hießl, Christina (2023): Armut trotz Arbeit im Fokus der EU-Politik: Das „Working, Yet Poor“-Projekt im Kontext, in: Sozialer Fortschritt, vol. 72, iss. 2, 109-129, [online]


Armut trotz Arbeit im Fokus der EU-Politik: Das „Working, Yet Poor“-Projekt im Kontext

Hießl, Christina

Sozialer Fortschritt, Vol. 72 (2023), Iss. 2 : pp. 109–129

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Article Details


Author Details

Hießl, Prof. Dr. Christina, Instituut voor Arbeidsrecht, KU Leuven, Blijde Inkomststraat 17 – Bus 3423, 3000 Leuven (Belgien).


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  2. Cazes, S./Garnero, A./Martin, S./Touzet, C. (2019): Collective bargaining systems and workers’ voice arrangements in OECD countries, in: OECD, Negotiating Our Way Up: Collective Bargaining in a Changing World of Work, Paris,  Google Scholar
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  8. Eurostat (2021c): Glossary: At risk of poverty or social exclusion (AROPE),  Google Scholar
  9. Eurostat (2021d): Glossary: Severe material and social deprivation rate (SMSD),  Google Scholar
  10. Eurostat (2021e): Glossary: Persons living in households with low work intensity,  Google Scholar
  11. Eurostat (2021f): Impact of COVID-19 on main GDP aggregates including employment,  Google Scholar
  12. Eurostat (2021g): Minimum wage statistics,  Google Scholar
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  16. Kommission (2020a): Anhänge der Mitteilung der Kommission an das Europäische Parlament, den Rat, den Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss und den Ausschuss der Regionen: Anpassung des Arbeitsprogramms der Kommission für 2020, COM(2020) 440 final,  Google Scholar
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  21. Koukiadaki, A./Grimshaw, D. (2016): Evaluating the effects of the structural labour market reforms on collective bargaining in Greece. Conditions of Work and Employment Series No. 85,  Google Scholar
  22. Marx, I./Van den Bosch, K. (2007): How Poverty Differs from Inequality on Poverty Measurement in an Enlarged Eu Context: Conventional and Alternative Approaches,  Google Scholar
  23. OECD (2021): Poverty rate (indicator), doi: 10.1787/0fe1315d-en (Accessed on 06 November 2021_),  Google Scholar
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  26. Pieper, J./Schneider, U./Schröder, W./Ziegler, L. (2020): Gegen Armut hilft Geld. Der Paritätische Armutsbericht 2020, Deutscher Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband Gesamtverband e.V.  Google Scholar
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  28. Ratti, L./García-Muñoz, A./Vergnat, V. (2022): The Challenge of Defining, Measuring, and Overcoming In-Work Poverty in Europe: An Introduction, in: Ratti (Hg.), In-Work Poverty in Europe: Vulnerable and Under-Represented Persons in a Comparative Perspective, Kluwer (in Druck).  Google Scholar
  29. Valero, J. (2021): EU unemployment reinsurance scheme falls off Commission’s radar, EURACTIV vom 4.3.2021,  Google Scholar
  30. Weltbank (2021): Poverty and Inequality,  Google Scholar
  31. Fernandez de Aranguiz Chueca, A./Schoukens, P./De Becker, E. (2021): Minimum income protection at the EU: What role to play for the EU? In EU Law Live, 2021(82), 16–24,  Google Scholar
  32. Cazes, S./Garnero, A./Martin, S./Touzet, C. (2019): Collective bargaining systems and workers’ voice arrangements in OECD countries, in: OECD, Negotiating Our Way Up: Collective Bargaining in a Changing World of Work, Paris,  Google Scholar
  33. Eurostat (2018a): Almost half the unemployed at risk of monetary poverty in the EU,  Google Scholar
  34. Eurostat (2018b): In-work poverty in the EU,  Google Scholar
  35. Eurostat (2019): Can you afford to pay all your bills?,  Google Scholar
  36. Eurostat (2021a): Earnings statistics,  Google Scholar
  37. Eurostat (2021b): Employment rates – annual statistics,–_annual_statistics.  Google Scholar
  38. Eurostat (2021c): Glossary: At risk of poverty or social exclusion (AROPE),  Google Scholar
  39. Eurostat (2021d): Glossary: Severe material and social deprivation rate (SMSD),  Google Scholar
  40. Eurostat (2021e): Glossary: Persons living in households with low work intensity,  Google Scholar
  41. Eurostat (2021f): Impact of COVID-19 on main GDP aggregates including employment,  Google Scholar
  42. Eurostat (2021g): Minimum wage statistics,  Google Scholar
  43. Eurostat (2021h): Unemployment statistics,  Google Scholar
  44. Hiessl, C. (2022): Working, Yet Poor: A Comparative Appraisal, in: Ratti (Hg.), In-Work Poverty in Europe: Vulnerable and Under-Represented Persons in a Comparative Perspective, Kluwer (in Druck).  Google Scholar
  45. Kommission (2017): Die Europäische Säule sozialer Rechte in 20 Grundsätzen,  Google Scholar
  46. Kommission (2020a): Anhänge der Mitteilung der Kommission an das Europäische Parlament, den Rat, den Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss und den Ausschuss der Regionen: Anpassung des Arbeitsprogramms der Kommission für 2020, COM(2020) 440 final,  Google Scholar
  47. Kommission (2020b): Impact assessment accompanying the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on adequate minimum wages in the European Union, Commission Staff Working Document, SWD/2020/245 final,  Google Scholar
  48. Kommission (2020c): Working, Yet Poor: Project description,  Google Scholar
  49. Kommission (2021a): Aktionsplan zur europäischen Säule sozialer Rechte,  Google Scholar
  50. Kommission (2021b): Mitteilung der Kommission an das Europäische Parlament, den Rat, den Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss und den Ausschuss der Regionen: Arbeitsprogramm der Kommission für 2022, COM(2021) 645 final,  Google Scholar
  51. Koukiadaki, A./Grimshaw, D. (2016): Evaluating the effects of the structural labour market reforms on collective bargaining in Greece. Conditions of Work and Employment Series No. 85,  Google Scholar
  52. Marx, I./Van den Bosch, K. (2007): How Poverty Differs from Inequality on Poverty Measurement in an Enlarged Eu Context: Conventional and Alternative Approaches,  Google Scholar
  53. OECD (2021): Poverty rate (indicator), doi: 10.1787/0fe1315d-en (Accessed on 06 November 2021_),  Google Scholar
  54. Parlament (2020): Entschließung vom 17. Dezember 2020 zu einem starken sozialen Europa für gerechte Übergänge (2020/2084(INI)),  Google Scholar
  55. Parlament (2021): New rules for fair minimum wages in the EU, Pressemitteilung 20211107IPR16808,  Google Scholar
  56. Pieper, J./Schneider, U./Schröder, W./Ziegler, L. (2020): Gegen Armut hilft Geld. Der Paritätische Armutsbericht 2020, Deutscher Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband Gesamtverband e.V.  Google Scholar
  57. Rat (2020): Stärkung der Mindestsicherung zur Bekämpfung von Armut und sozialer Ausgrenzung in der COVID-19-Pandemie und darüber hinaus. Schlussfolgerungen des Rates (9. September 2020),  Google Scholar
  58. Ratti, L./García-Muñoz, A./Vergnat, V. (2022): The Challenge of Defining, Measuring, and Overcoming In-Work Poverty in Europe: An Introduction, in: Ratti (Hg.), In-Work Poverty in Europe: Vulnerable and Under-Represented Persons in a Comparative Perspective, Kluwer (in Druck).  Google Scholar
  59. Valero, J. (2021): EU unemployment reinsurance scheme falls off Commission’s radar, EURACTIV vom 4.3.2021,  Google Scholar
  60. Weltbank (2021): Poverty and Inequality,  Google Scholar
  61. Fernandez de Aranguiz Chueca, A./Schoukens, P./De Becker, E. (2021): Minimum income protection at the EU: What role to play for the EU? In EU Law Live, 2021(82), 16–24,  Google Scholar
  62. Cazes, S./Garnero, A./Martin, S./Touzet, C. (2019): Collective bargaining systems and workers’ voice arrangements in OECD countries, in: OECD, Negotiating Our Way Up: Collective Bargaining in a Changing World of Work, Paris,  Google Scholar
  63. Eurostat (2018a): Almost half the unemployed at risk of monetary poverty in the EU,  Google Scholar
  64. Eurostat (2018b): In-work poverty in the EU,  Google Scholar
  65. Eurostat (2019): Can you afford to pay all your bills?,  Google Scholar
  66. Eurostat (2021a): Earnings statistics,  Google Scholar
  67. Eurostat (2021b): Employment rates – annual statistics,–_annual_statistics.  Google Scholar
  68. Eurostat (2021c): Glossary: At risk of poverty or social exclusion (AROPE),  Google Scholar
  69. Eurostat (2021d): Glossary: Severe material and social deprivation rate (SMSD),  Google Scholar
  70. Eurostat (2021e): Glossary: Persons living in households with low work intensity,  Google Scholar
  71. Eurostat (2021f): Impact of COVID-19 on main GDP aggregates including employment,  Google Scholar
  72. Eurostat (2021g): Minimum wage statistics,  Google Scholar
  73. Eurostat (2021h): Unemployment statistics,  Google Scholar
  74. Hiessl, C. (2022): Working, Yet Poor: A Comparative Appraisal, in: Ratti (Hg.), In-Work Poverty in Europe: Vulnerable and Under-Represented Persons in a Comparative Perspective, Kluwer (in Druck).  Google Scholar
  75. Kommission (2017): Die Europäische Säule sozialer Rechte in 20 Grundsätzen,  Google Scholar
  76. Kommission (2020a): Anhänge der Mitteilung der Kommission an das Europäische Parlament, den Rat, den Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss und den Ausschuss der Regionen: Anpassung des Arbeitsprogramms der Kommission für 2020, COM(2020) 440 final,  Google Scholar
  77. Kommission (2020b): Impact assessment accompanying the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on adequate minimum wages in the European Union, Commission Staff Working Document, SWD/2020/245 final,  Google Scholar
  78. Kommission (2020c): Working, Yet Poor: Project description,  Google Scholar
  79. Kommission (2021a): Aktionsplan zur europäischen Säule sozialer Rechte,  Google Scholar
  80. Kommission (2021b): Mitteilung der Kommission an das Europäische Parlament, den Rat, den Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss und den Ausschuss der Regionen: Arbeitsprogramm der Kommission für 2022, COM(2021) 645 final,  Google Scholar
  81. Koukiadaki, A./Grimshaw, D. (2016): Evaluating the effects of the structural labour market reforms on collective bargaining in Greece. Conditions of Work and Employment Series No. 85,  Google Scholar
  82. Marx, I./Van den Bosch, K. (2007): How Poverty Differs from Inequality on Poverty Measurement in an Enlarged Eu Context: Conventional and Alternative Approaches,  Google Scholar
  83. OECD (2021): Poverty rate (indicator), doi: 10.1787/0fe1315d-en (Accessed on 06 November 2021_),  Google Scholar
  84. Parlament (2020): Entschließung vom 17. Dezember 2020 zu einem starken sozialen Europa für gerechte Übergänge (2020/2084(INI)),  Google Scholar
  85. Parlament (2021): New rules for fair minimum wages in the EU, Pressemitteilung 20211107IPR16808,  Google Scholar
  86. Pieper, J./Schneider, U./Schröder, W./Ziegler, L. (2020): Gegen Armut hilft Geld. Der Paritätische Armutsbericht 2020, Deutscher Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband Gesamtverband e.V.  Google Scholar
  87. Rat (2020): Stärkung der Mindestsicherung zur Bekämpfung von Armut und sozialer Ausgrenzung in der COVID-19-Pandemie und darüber hinaus. Schlussfolgerungen des Rates (9. September 2020),  Google Scholar
  88. Ratti, L./García-Muñoz, A./Vergnat, V. (2022): The Challenge of Defining, Measuring, and Overcoming In-Work Poverty in Europe: An Introduction, in: Ratti (Hg.), In-Work Poverty in Europe: Vulnerable and Under-Represented Persons in a Comparative Perspective, Kluwer (in Druck).  Google Scholar
  89. Valero, J. (2021): EU unemployment reinsurance scheme falls off Commission’s radar, EURACTIV vom 4.3.2021,  Google Scholar
  90. Weltbank (2021): Poverty and Inequality,  Google Scholar


In-work poverty in the Focus of EU Policy: The “Working, Yet Poor” Project in Context

At European level there is currently an unprecedented interest in poverty issues as a whole, and in particular in the role of the labour market and working conditions. In the course of the stable economic development up until the Covid-19 crisis, labour market participation increased and situations of severe material deprivation decreased, but relative poverty rates did not. The increasing incidence of in-work poverty is currently a driving factor behind a number of reforms and initiatives at EU level, and also gives rise to an interest in comprehensive and differentiated research on experiences and developments in selected Member States. The situation in Germany may constitute a particularly relevant case study in several respects.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Christina Hießl: Armut trotz Arbeit im Fokus der EU-Politik: Das „Working, Yet Poor“-Projekt im Kontext 109
Zusammenfassung 109
Abstract: In-work poverty in the Focus of EU Policy: The “Working, Yet Poor” Project in Context 109
1. Einleitung 110
2. Neue Zielsetzungen in der EU-Politik 110
3. Armut und soziale Ausgrenzung 111
4. Armut trotz Arbeit und ihre Bekämpfung 115
4.1 Aktive Arbeitsmarktpolitik 116
4.2 Mindestlöhne und Tarifbindung 117
4.3 Sozialleistungen 121
5. Deutschland im EU-Vergleich 123
6. Fazit 126
Literaturverzeichnis 127