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Populist Dualism Instead of Dialectical Unity of the Rule of Law and Democracy



Kirste, S. Populist Dualism Instead of Dialectical Unity of the Rule of Law and Democracy. Rechtstheorie, 52(2–3), 251-271.
Kirste, Stephan "Populist Dualism Instead of Dialectical Unity of the Rule of Law and Democracy" Rechtstheorie 52.2–3, 2021, 251-271.
Kirste, Stephan (2021): Populist Dualism Instead of Dialectical Unity of the Rule of Law and Democracy, in: Rechtstheorie, vol. 52, iss. 2–3, 251-271, [online]


Populist Dualism Instead of Dialectical Unity of the Rule of Law and Democracy

Kirste, Stephan

Rechtstheorie, Vol. 52 (2021), Iss. 2–3 : pp. 251–271

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Author Details

Prof. Dr. Stephan Kirste, Chair for Legal and Social Philosophy, Department for Social and Economic Sciences, Faculty of Law, University of Salzburg, Churfürststraße 1, 5020 Salzburg, Austria


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Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Stephan Kirste: Populist Dualism Instead of Dialectical Unity of the Rule of Law and Democracy 251
I. Introduction 251
II. Typical Elements of Populism 252
1. Procedural Immediacy of Populist Politics 252
2. Institutional Immediacy of Populist Politics 256
3. Characteristics of Populism 259
III. Elements of Constitutional Democracy 260
IV. The Importance of Law as a Medium of Reflection in the Democratic Process 264
V. The Challenge of Populism for Constitutional Democracy 266
VI. Populism Threatens the Unity of Rule of Law and Democracy 267
References 269