Social and Solidarity Economy in Morocco: Cooperatives’ Behavior and Growth
Social and Solidarity Economy in Morocco: Cooperatives’ Behavior and Growth
El Mekkaoui, Najat | Loukili, Sara
Applied Economics Quarterly, Vol. 68 (2022), Iss. 1 : pp. 37–51
1 Citations (CrossRef)
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Author Details
Najat El Mekkaoui, Université Paris-Dauphine PSL LEDa DIAL IRD, Paris, France, EMANES and ERF, Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, 75016 Paris, France.
Sara Loukili, PhD candidate, Université Paris-Dauphine PSL, LEDa DIAL IRD, EMANES, Paris.
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The social and solidarity economy has been promoted for its potential to reduce poverty, enhance economic inclusion, and provide alternative solutions to labor market issues, but very few empirical evaluations of its impact exist. We build an original qualitative and quantitative survey on the population of cooperatives in different sectors in Morocco with the aim of analyzing their economic models and relevance for job creation and economic inclusion. Much like commercial firms, we find that cooperatives grow and survive based on (i) internal factors pertaining to total factor productivity, (ii) management factors related to characteristics and management style of the president or manager, and (iii) external factors dependent upon the business or market environment.
Table of Contents
Section Title | Page | Action | Price |
Najat El Mekkaoui / Sara Loukili: Social and Solidarity Economy in Morocco: Cooperatives’ Behavior and Growth | 37 | ||
Abstract | 37 | ||
1. Introduction | 37 | ||
2. Review of Relevant Literature | 39 | ||
3. Research Design | 40 | ||
3.1 The research framework | 40 | ||
3.2 The survey design and procedures | 40 | ||
3.3 Sampling | 43 | ||
4. Results and Discussion | 44 | ||
5. Conclusion | 48 | ||
Appendices: Non-Parametric Survival Estimations | 48 | ||
References | 50 |