Wirtschaftspolitik und Governance eines gerechten Übergangs zur Klimaneutralität
Wirtschaftspolitik und Governance eines gerechten Übergangs zur Klimaneutralität
Schuberth, Helene | Soder, Michael
Vierteljahreshefte zur Arbeits- und Wirtschaftsforschung, Vol. 1 (2024), Iss. 1 : pp. 75–88
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Author Details
Helene Schuberth, Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund
Michael Soder, Arbeiterkammer Wien
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In the coming years, we are facing a comprehensive reorganisation of our energy supply and the transition of the manufacturing sector towards climate neutrality. Experience to date shows that market mechanisms, even if they follow clear regulatory guidelines, are not sufficient to overcome the upcoming climate policy challenges of historic proportions. The transformation requires not only significant investment, but also the active involvement of various stakeholders, taking their interests into account. It is crucial that the public sector actively orchestrates the transformation by utilising elements of participatory strategic planning. The concept of a just transition can be used as a guiding principle for the design of socio-ecological transformation processes, as examples from Europe show. The example of the Monnet Plan, the “carbonisation” plan for the reconstruction of France after the Second World War, also shows how the design of transformation processes could be implemented. It can serve as a model for the governance of socio-ecological transformation because it demonstrates the important role of the social partners in shaping transformation processes. Ideally, transformation paths for key sectors should be defined with the involvement of the social partners. Companies should then present transformation and decarbonisation plans with the involvement of employees. Strong structures need to be created in order to drive the transformation process forward. The transformation must be supported by everyone and it is important to create high-quality jobs and protect those who are negatively affected, for example through a job guarantee and qualification strategies. Climate policy is not just industrial policy, it is also employment, social and education policy.
Table of Contents
Section Title | Page | Action | Price |
Helene Schuberth / Michael Soder: Wirtschaftspolitik und Governance eines gerechten Übergangs zur Klimaneutralität | 75 | ||
Zusammenfassung | 75 | ||
Summary | 75 | ||
1. Einleitung | 76 | ||
2. „Just Transition“ als Leitprinzip in sozialökologischen Transformationsprozessen | 77 | ||
3. Transformation als gesellschaftlicher Lern- und Suchprozess – Beispiele von Just-Transition-Strategien | 78 | ||
4. Transformationsprozesse: Koordination zwischen lokal, Markt und Staat | 82 | ||
5. Der Monnet-Plan als historisches Beispiel der partizipativen Gestaltung eines Transformationsprozesses der anderen Art | 84 | ||
6. Schlussfolgerungen | 85 | ||
Literaturverzeichnis | 86 |