»Absolute freedom and wildness«: Zum Zusammenhang von Freiheit, Natur und Kultur in Walking, or the Wild und Thoreaus späten Naturessays
»Absolute freedom and wildness«: Zum Zusammenhang von Freiheit, Natur und Kultur in Walking, or the Wild und Thoreaus späten Naturessays
Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch, Vol. 65 (2024), Iss. 1 : pp. 187–203
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Rosenthal, Caroline
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»Absolute freedom and wildness«: On the Correlation of Freedom, Nature, and Culture in Thoreau’s Walking, or the Wild and his Late Nature Essay
In his seminal essay Walking, or the Wild, the American transcendentalist Henry David Thoreau differentiates the »absolute freedom and wildness« of nature from an understanding of freedom derived from civil and shaped by cultural forces. Those two understandings of freedom were not, however, binary oppositions to Thoreau, but, quite on the contrary, mutually dependent. In his late nature essays, Thoreau hence explored how the freedom of nature could teach man to reform themselves and their social institutions. This contribution seeks to, first of all, ground Thoreau’s notion of wildness and freedom in the tradition of transcendentalist nature writing to, then, look in more detail at Thoreau’s understanding of a freedom derived from nature in Walking and in selected essays from Wild Fruits and Faith in a Seed.
Table of Contents
Section Title | Page | Action | Price |
Caroline Rosenthal: »Absolute freedom and wildness«: Zum Zusammenhang von Freiheit, Natur und Kultur in Walking, or the Wild und Thoreaus späten Naturessays | 187 | ||
Abstract | 187 | ||
I. Einleitung | 187 | ||
II. Natur und Freiheit im Transzendentalismus | 188 | ||
III. Freiheit in Thoreaus Walking, or the Wild | 191 | ||
IV. Wildheit als Freiheit | 195 | ||
V. Thoreaus Spätwerk Faith in a Seed und Wild Fruits | 198 | ||
VI. Schluss | 200 | ||
Primärliteratur | 201 | ||
Sekundärliteratur | 202 |