„Weiter so“ führt zum Niedergang Europas – Für eine neue Qualität der Integration
„Weiter so“ führt zum Niedergang Europas – Für eine neue Qualität der Integration
Vierteljahreshefte zur Arbeits- und Wirtschaftsforschung, Vol. (2025), Online First : pp. 1–12
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Joachim Schuster, Mitglied im Europäischen Parlament 2014–2024
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The geopolitical changes with the disputes over global hegemony between the USA and China, the transition to a fragmented world economy that has now taken place, the new serious dependencies of the European economies and, last but not least, the challenges of climate change require a replacement of the development model of neoliberal globalization that has dominated in recent decades.
The EU’s previous policy, which – despite some remarkable rhetoric – continues to follow the basic principles of neoliberal globalization, has no future in view of the geopolitical and geoeconomic changes. There is much evidence that this will not even secure the EU’s strong economic position in global competition. In addition, this policy will not make it possible to implement the necessary climate-neutral transformation. Instead of a modified “business as usual”, a paradigm shift would be necessary.
A new industrial and competition policy is needed that must be fiscally underpinned. The EU needs a relevant fiscal capacity with a pronounced redistribution component between the member states. Building on the experience with the recovery fund in response to the Corona crisis, a new european, debt-financed investment and transformation fund of the order of 1 % of EU GDP, i. e. around € 150 billion annually, should be set up from 2027.