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Sozialpolitik, Verhaltensökonomik und Gestalttheorie



Kubon-Gilke, G. Sozialpolitik, Verhaltensökonomik und Gestalttheorie. Sozialer Fortschritt, 66(7–8), 495-515.
Kubon-Gilke, Gisela "Sozialpolitik, Verhaltensökonomik und Gestalttheorie" Sozialer Fortschritt 66.7–8, 2017, 495-515.
Kubon-Gilke, Gisela (2017): Sozialpolitik, Verhaltensökonomik und Gestalttheorie, in: Sozialer Fortschritt, vol. 66, iss. 7–8, 495-515, [online]


Sozialpolitik, Verhaltensökonomik und Gestalttheorie

Kubon-Gilke, Gisela

Sozialer Fortschritt, Vol. 66 (2017), Iss. 7–8 : pp. 495–515

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Author Details

Kubon-Gilke, Prof. Dr. Gisela, Evangelische Hochschule Darmstadt, Zweifalltorweg 12, 64293 Darmstadt


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Social Policy, Behavioral Economics and Gestalt Theory

Approaches of behavioral economics reveal under what circumstances homo economicus models fall short. It will be shown that these insights of behavioral economics matter for many social policy issues. However, in addition it will be argued that the consideration of different isolated psychological phenomena is unsatisfactory. Gestalt theory provides a framework for a better understanding of all the special effects and their interactions. Thus, gestalt theory provides a foundation for social policy analysis.

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Gisela Kubon-Gilke: Sozialpolitik, Verhaltensökonomik und Gestalttheorie 1