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Mitsunari, M. (2023). 'Wartime Sexual Violence and War Responsibility: The “Comfort Women Issue” in Japan' In I. Czeguhn, J. Thiessen, (Eds.), Dictatorship, Democracy, and Transitional Justice in Global Legal History (1st ed., pp. 69-90)
Mitsunari, Miho. "Wartime Sexual Violence and War Responsibility: The “Comfort Women Issue” in Japan". Dictatorship, Democracy, and Transitional Justice in Global Legal History, edited by Ignacio Czeguhn and Jan Thiessen, Duncker & Humblot, 2023, pp. 69-90.
Mitsunari, M. (2023): 'Wartime Sexual Violence and War Responsibility: The “Comfort Women Issue” in Japan', in Czeguhn, I, Thiessen, J (eds.). Dictatorship, Democracy, and Transitional Justice in Global Legal History. Duncker & Humblot, pp. 69-90.


Wartime Sexual Violence and War Responsibility: The “Comfort Women Issue” in Japan

Mitsunari, Miho

In: Dictatorship, Democracy, and Transitional Justice in Global Legal History (2023), pp. 69–90

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Author Details

Miho Mitsunari

Professor of Legal History, Gender Law, and Gender History, Otemon Gakuin University; Professor Emeritus, Nara Women’s University, Japan


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Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Miho Mitsunari: Wartime Sexual Violence and War Responsibility: The “Comfort Women Issue” in Japan 69
I. Introduction 69
II. “Transitional Justice” and the “Comfort Women” Issue 69
1. The “Comfort Women” Issue as an Issue of “Unfinished Justice” 69
2. Three Premises 70
a) Who are “Comfort Women”? 70
b) Historical Background 71
c) What Happened in the 1990s? 73
3. Remarks from Several UN Committees 74
III. Initiatives for Compensation and Reconciliation 77
1. The “Comfort Women” Issue in Historiography 77
a) Post-War Histography and the “Comfort Women” Issue 77
b) Historical Perception and Legal Responsibility 79
c) The Statement of 2015 80
2. The Japanese Government and Judiciary 82
a) The Japanese Government's Position of Issues Being Settled – Re-Reading the Treaty on Basic Relations Between Japan and the Republic of Korea 82
b) The Two Faces of Justice – Find the Facts, but Don't Judge About the Legal Responsible 83
aa) Illegality Under International Law 83
bb) Legal Responsibility and Domestic Law 84
c) Attempts and Setbacks of the “Asian Women's Fund” 84
3. The Women's International War Crimes Tribunal 85
IV. Future Issues 87
1. Passing on “Memories” and “Reconciliation” – Textbooks and Museums 87
2. The Importance of “Restoring Dignity” – Legal Responsibility and Moral Obligation 88
3. Understanding Wartime Sexual Violence – From “Asking” to “Listening” 89
V. Conclusion – International Frameworks to Pursue “Transitional Justice” 89