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Kremnitzer, M., Ghanayim, K. (2024). 'On the Elements of the Offence of Homicide with Intention to Facilitate the Commission of Another Offence or Escape Justice, According to Section 301 A(a)(2) of the Israeli Penal Code (Amendment 137, 2019)' In E. Hilgendorf, (Ed.), Law in Times of Crisis (1st ed., pp. 231-244)
Kremnitzer, Mordechai and Ghanayim, Khalid. "On the Elements of the Offence of Homicide with Intention to Facilitate the Commission of Another Offence or Escape Justice, According to Section 301 A(a)(2) of the Israeli Penal Code (Amendment 137, 2019)". Law in Times of Crisis, edited by Eric Hilgendorf, Duncker & Humblot, 2024, pp. 231-244.
Kremnitzer, M and Ghanayim, K. (2024): 'On the Elements of the Offence of Homicide with Intention to Facilitate the Commission of Another Offence or Escape Justice, According to Section 301 A(a)(2) of the Israeli Penal Code (Amendment 137, 2019)', in Hilgendorf, E (ed.). Law in Times of Crisis. Duncker & Humblot, pp. 231-244.


On the Elements of the Offence of Homicide with Intention to Facilitate the Commission of Another Offence or Escape Justice, According to Section 301 A(a)(2) of the Israeli Penal Code (Amendment 137, 2019)

Kremnitzer, Mordechai | Ghanayim, Khalid

In: Law in Times of Crisis (2024), pp. 231–244

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Author Details

Mordechai Kremnitzer

Kremnitzer, Mordechai, Prof. Dr., Hebrew Universität in Jerusalem (Israel)

Khalid Ghanayim

Ghanayim, Khalid, Dr., Universität Haifa (Israel)


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Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Mordechai Kremnitzer and Khalid Ghanayim: On the Elements of the Offence of Homicide with Intention to Facilitate the Commission of Another Offence or Escape Justice, According to Section 301 A‍(a)(2) of the Israeli Penal Code (Amendment 137, 2019) 231
I. Preface 231
II. Background of Amendment 137 and the Various Approaches of the Case-Law, Academia and the Legislator 232
1. Penal Code, 1977 (Prior to the Amendment) 232
2. Private and Government Draft Bills 237
III. Proposal of the Committee to Examine the Elements of Homicide Offences (2011) 237
IV. Proposal of the Chairman of the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee of the Parliament – MK Nisan Slomiansky 238
V. Proposal of Prof. Miriam Gur-Arye 239
VI. Government Draft Bill (124) 240
VII. Amendment 137 to the Penal Code (2019) 241
VIII. Conclusion 242
Bibliography 243