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Hilgendorf, E. (2024). '“The High Dignity of the Office of Judge” in the Age of Artificial Intelligence' In E. Hilgendorf, (Ed.), Law in Times of Crisis (1st ed., pp. 533-554)
Hilgendorf, Eric. "“The High Dignity of the Office of Judge” in the Age of Artificial Intelligence". Law in Times of Crisis, edited by Eric Hilgendorf, Duncker & Humblot, 2024, pp. 533-554.
Hilgendorf, E. (2024): '“The High Dignity of the Office of Judge” in the Age of Artificial Intelligence', in Hilgendorf, E (ed.). Law in Times of Crisis. Duncker & Humblot, pp. 533-554.


“The High Dignity of the Office of Judge” in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Hilgendorf, Eric

In: Law in Times of Crisis (2024), pp. 533–554

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Author Details

Eric Hilgendorf

Hilgendorf, Eric, Prof. Dr. Dr., Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg


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Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Eric Hilgendorf: “The High Dignity of the Office of Judge” in the Age of Artificial Intelligence 533
I. Introduction: Digitization of Legal Decisions? 533
II. Core Elements of the Work of Judges 536
1. Decisions of Legal Issues 537
2. Legal Peace and Acceptance 538
3. Artificial Intelligence as Support 539
III. AI Use to Compensate for Human Weaknesses 540
IV. Competency-Enhancing Uses of AI 542
1. Database Analysis 542
2. Prognoses 542
3. Writing Text 543
4. Evaluation of Evidence 544
5. Communication 545
6. Virtual Space with Virtual Agents 546
7. Final Decision-Making by AI? 546
V. Problems in the Use of AI in the Judiciary 547
1. General Problems 547
2. Specific Legal Challenges 549
VI. Summary and Outlook 551
Bibliography 551