Cite BOOK Chapter
“The High Dignity of the Office of Judge” in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
In: Law in Times of Crisis (2024), pp. 533–554
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Author Details
Eric Hilgendorf
Hilgendorf, Eric, Prof. Dr. Dr., Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
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Table of Contents
Section Title | Page | Action | Price |
Eric Hilgendorf: “The High Dignity of the Office of Judge” in the Age of Artificial Intelligence | 533 | ||
I. Introduction: Digitization of Legal Decisions? | 533 | ||
II. Core Elements of the Work of Judges | 536 | ||
1. Decisions of Legal Issues | 537 | ||
2. Legal Peace and Acceptance | 538 | ||
3. Artificial Intelligence as Support | 539 | ||
III. AI Use to Compensate for Human Weaknesses | 540 | ||
IV. Competency-Enhancing Uses of AI | 542 | ||
1. Database Analysis | 542 | ||
2. Prognoses | 542 | ||
3. Writing Text | 543 | ||
4. Evaluation of Evidence | 544 | ||
5. Communication | 545 | ||
6. Virtual Space with Virtual Agents | 546 | ||
7. Final Decision-Making by AI? | 546 | ||
V. Problems in the Use of AI in the Judiciary | 547 | ||
1. General Problems | 547 | ||
2. Specific Legal Challenges | 549 | ||
VI. Summary and Outlook | 551 | ||
Bibliography | 551 |