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Verfassung und Verwaltungsorganisation der Städte



(1908). Verfassung und Verwaltungsorganisation der Städte. Siebenter Band: England – Frankreich – Nordamerika. Im Auftrag des Vereins für Socialpolitik herausgegeben. (Schriften des Vereins für Socialpolitik 123). Duncker & Humblot.
. Verfassung und Verwaltungsorganisation der Städte: Siebenter Band: England – Frankreich – Nordamerika. Im Auftrag des Vereins für Socialpolitik herausgegeben. (Schriften des Vereins für Socialpolitik 123). Duncker & Humblot, 1908. Book.
(1908): Verfassung und Verwaltungsorganisation der Städte: Siebenter Band: England – Frankreich – Nordamerika. Im Auftrag des Vereins für Socialpolitik herausgegeben. (Schriften des Vereins für Socialpolitik 123), Duncker & Humblot, [online]


Verfassung und Verwaltungsorganisation der Städte

Siebenter Band: England – Frankreich – Nordamerika. Im Auftrag des Vereins für Socialpolitik herausgegeben. (Schriften des Vereins für Socialpolitik 123)

Duncker & Humblot reprints


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Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Inhaltsverzeichnis V
I. England 1
Municipalities in England. From F. W. Hirst 1
Introduction on English local government generally 3
Municipal Government in England 12
The Town Clerk 19
The Committee System 22
Bye Laws and Standing Orders 26
The Course of Business 29
The Control of Municipal Finance 32
Municipal Finance 39
Government contributions to the Relief of Rates 44
London. From F. W. Hirst 47
Preface 49
Part I. Historical. 49
I. Roman Londo 49
II. Saxon Londo 52
III. Norman London and the London charters 55
IV. Plantagenet London 1154—1485 A. D. 57
Tudor and Stuart London 1485—1688 64
The Existing City of London and its Corporatio 69
Area population and wards 70
Constitution of City Corporatio 71
City Police 74
City Estates 74
Markets 75
Public Health 75
Parks and Pleasure Grounds 75
Education Museums etc. 75
The London Police 77
Public Health in Londo 86
The City Streets 88
The City and the Thames 88
The Reform of Metropolitan Government 90
The Metropolitan Boroughs 98
The London County Council 101
Voting 108
The London County Council’s Committees and their Procedure 109
London County Council Finances. Total Receipts and Expenditure on Accounts affecting the County Rate 1905/6 123
Some Books and Authorities on London Government 124
The City of Leeds. From F. W. Hirst 127
Its Municipal History and Modern Organizatio 129
The Present Borough and its Organizatio 145
II. Frankreich. Les institutions municipales de la France. Leur evolution au cours du XIXe siecle. Par H. Berthelemy. Professeur á l´Universite de Paris. 151
Introduction. Considerations generales sur la Decentralisation en France 153
Notions historiques. Traits essentiels de l’ancien regime municipale 156
Le regime municipal apres la Revolution francaise 158
Les principes modernes du droit municipal 161
Le regime exceptionnel de la Ville de Paris 163
Chapitre I. Le Personnel Municipal 165
L’administration deliberante. — Application du regime électif 165
Observations sur le caractere politique des assemblées déliberantes 170
Les municipalites (administration active) 172
Les auxiliaires retribues des services municipaux 174
Les établissements publics municipaux 175
Les services publics concedes 176
Les Chambres de commerce 178
Chapitre II. Les Fonctions Municipales 180
Historique de la loi, de l’an VIII au régime actuel 180
Le régime actuel. — Attributions de police 182
Mesures relatives á la sécurité publique 185
Mesures relatives á la commodite de la voiri 186
Mesures relatives á l’hygiene publique 187
Attributions Administratives 189
Administration du domaine privé 189
Les communaux 190
Entretien et affectation des bâtiments communaux 192
Aménagement et entretien des voies publiques 193
Services publics communaux 193
Enseignement public 194
Rapports des communes et des églises 197
Services communaux d’assistanc 200
Services de defense contre l’incendie 203
Halles marchés. — Abattoirs 203
Services industriels-Eau-Éclairage-Transports 204
Administration financière 205
Centimes additionnels 206
Octrois 207
Ressources extraordinaires. — Emprunts 209
Chapitre III. Des pouvoirs municipaux et de la tutelle administrative 210
Definition de la „tutelle administrative“ 210
Les recours juridictionnels, distincts de la tutelle administrative 211
La tutelle administrative jusqu’á la loi de 1884 212
L’exercice de la tutelle administrative dans le droit actuel 213
Mesures á l´egard des personnes 213
Mesures á l’egard des corps 214
Mesures á l’egard des actes 215
Règles speciales à la Ville de Paris 221
Conclusio 221
III. Nord-Amerika. The Position and Powers of Cities in the United States. From Frank J. Goodnow 1
Chapter I. The Position of the City in the United States 3
Chapter II. Recent Changes in the Relation of the City in the United States to the State Government 13
Chapter III. The Political Party and the City 17
Chapter IV. The Organization of the City in the United States 25
Chapter V. The Functions of Cities in the United States 31
The Government of Great American Cities. By Delos F. Wilcox Ph.-D. Detroit, Michigan U.S.A. 51
I. Introductory Statement 53
Constitutional Limitations 55
Control Exercised by State authorities 58
National Municipal League Program 61
Proposed Constitutional Provisions 62
Proposed General Municipal Corporations Law 65
Great Cities Chosen for Descriptio 70
Certain Smaller American Cities which are Conducting important Municipal Experiments 71
II. Washingto 76
III. New York 96
Constitutional Limitation in New York State 97
Legislative Control over New York City 100
The Charter of Greater New York 102
The City Council 105
The Granting of Franchises 110
The Executive Departments 112
The Mayor’s Duties 112
Department of Finance 113
Board of Estimate and Apportionment 115
Law Department 117
Police Department 118
Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity 119
Department of Street Cleaning 120
Department of Bridges 121
Department of Parks 121
Department of Public Charities 122
Department of Correctio 123
Fire Department 123
Department of Docks and Ferries 125
Department of Taxes and Assessments 126
Department of Educatio 128
Department of Health 130
Tenement House Department 132
The Courts 135
Wealth and Financial Transactions of New York City 135
IV. Chicago 142
The First City Charter — 1837 143
The Second City Charter — 1851 145
The Third City Charter — 1863 149
Chicago Under Cities and Villages Act of 1872 150
Provisions of the Constitution and Laws of Illinois affecting Chicago 153
Present Organization of Chicago City Government 156
Chicago’s Great Municipal Problems 168
V. Philadelphia 178
The Gas Works 182
Street Railway Franchises 186
The Water Works 190
Public Health and Charities 191
The Public Schools 194
Constitutional Status of the City 196
The Philadelphia Charte 197
VI. Saint Louis 208
Constitutional Provisions Affecting Cities in Missouri 211
Organization and Powers of the City Government 213
The Finances of the City 219
VII. Bosto 222
Organization of the City Government 231
The Legislative Department of the City Government 238
Finances of the City 239
VIII. Baltimore 243
Organization of the City Government 245
The Finances of the City 255
IX. Cleveland 258
The City’s Finances 267
X. San Francisco 270
XI. New Orleans 285
XII. General Remarks and Comparative Financial Tables 294