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Jahrbuch für Eigentum und Urheberrecht in der Demokratie

Jahrbuch für Eigentum und Urheberrecht in der Demokratie


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The Yearbook Property and Copyright Law in the Democracy (JEUD) aims to explore and illuminate the correlation and interaction between democracy and intellectual property. Thereby, copyright will be scientifically promoted and further developed as an essential component of a free and democratic social order. The yearbook creates an academic forum in order to rediscover copyright as property in a research-based and discursive way, to examine it interdisciplinary and to draft out proposals for a sustainable concept of copyright law. The yearbook understands itself as a place of discussion and thus primarily includes articles from scientific symposia and dialogues organized by its editors. In doing so, the academic discourse between renowned speakers from research and practice will be displayed in the yearbook. It is also open for scientific articles in various disciplines and legal policy statements and also provides a platform for junior academics. According to this objective, the yearbook portrays a range of overarching topics that relate past and modern developments in the protection of intellectual property to other disciplines and the prevailing zeitgeist of a digital world.

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