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Baas, M., Eulenberger, J., Geier, B., Kohlrausch, B., Lex, T., Richter, M. "Kleben bleiben?„ – Der Übergang von Hauptschüler/innen in eine berufliche Ausbildung. Eine gemeinsame Analyse von "Praxisklassen„ in Bayern und "Berufsstarterklassen„ in Niedersachsen. Sozialer Fortschritt, 61(10), 247-257.
Baas, Meike; Eulenberger, Jörg; Geier, Boris; Kohlrausch, Bettina; Lex, Tilly and Richter, Maria ""Kleben bleiben?„ – Der Übergang von Hauptschüler/innen in eine berufliche Ausbildung. Eine gemeinsame Analyse von "Praxisklassen„ in Bayern und "Berufsstarterklassen„ in Niedersachsen" Sozialer Fortschritt 61.10, 2012, 247-257.
Baas, Meike/Eulenberger, Jörg/Geier, Boris/Kohlrausch, Bettina/Lex, Tilly/Richter, Maria (2012): "Kleben bleiben?„ – Der Übergang von Hauptschüler/innen in eine berufliche Ausbildung. Eine gemeinsame Analyse von "Praxisklassen„ in Bayern und "Berufsstarterklassen„ in Niedersachsen, in: Sozialer Fortschritt, vol. 61, iss. 10, 247-257, [online]


"Kleben bleiben?„ – Der Übergang von Hauptschüler/innen in eine berufliche Ausbildung. Eine gemeinsame Analyse von "Praxisklassen„ in Bayern und "Berufsstarterklassen„ in Niedersachsen

Baas, Meike | Eulenberger, Jörg | Geier, Boris | Kohlrausch, Bettina | Lex, Tilly | Richter, Maria

Sozialer Fortschritt, Vol. 61 (2012), Iss. 10 : pp. 247–257

12 Citations (CrossRef)

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Article Details

Author Details

Baas, Meike, Soziologisches Forschungsinstitut Göttingen, Friedländer Weg 31, 37085 Göttingen

Eulenberger, Jörg, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Deutsches Jugendinstitut, Franckeplatz 1, Haus 12/13, 06110 Halle

Geier, Dr. Boris, Deutsches Jugendinstitut, Nockherstraße 2, 81541 München

Kohlrausch, Dr. Bettina, Soziologisches Forschungsinstitut Göttingen, Friedländer Weg 31, 37085 Göttingen

Lex, Dr. Tilly, Deutsches Jugendinstitut, Nockherstraße 2, 81541 München

Richter, Maria, Soziologisches Forschungsinstitut Göttingen, Friedländer Weg 31, 37085 Göttingen

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’Sticking to the Internship Provider?" – Secondary School Leavers' Transitions from School to Vocational Training. A Comparative Analysis of ’Practice Classes" in Bavaria and ’Career Starting Classes" in Lower Saxony

School schemes projects have recently been introduced in a couple of federal states, or Ländern, in Germany that aim to ease potential drop-outs' transition from school to vocational training. On the schemes, potential drop-outs take part in internships. These require participants to go to attend classes several days a week to cover a reduced curriculum. The article analyses the so-called ’career starting classes" (Berufsstarterklassen) in Lower Saxony and ’practice classes" (Praxisklassen) in Bavaria. These represent exemplary cases of this new approach to the transition from school to vocational training. Previous assessments have found them to be successes. On the basis of multi-level analyses, the possibility that the improved chances of participants of finding a place on apprenticeship schemes can be explained by the fact that they stick to the internship provider. As a result, participants in these schemes avoid market mechanisms that are likely to discriminate against lower qualified youngsters. The results indicate, firstly, that the projects do not negate the influences of the regional apprenticeship market situation and participants' educational characteristics; thus, the processes of displacement and discreditation remain important. Secondly, the comparison of both projects shows the high important signalling effect of completing secondary-school qualifications.