Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch
Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch
Volume Online First (1)
Volume 142, 2022 (2)
Volume 141, 2021 (3)
Issue 4: The Jahrbuch: The First 150 Years [pp. 273–362]
Issue 3 [pp. 149–272]
Issue 1–2: New Trends in Contextual Economics [pp. 1–147]
Volume 140, 2020 (3)
Volume 139, 2019 (2)
Issue 2–4: Liberalism in the 21st Century: Lessons from the Colloque Walter Lippmann [pp. 177–436]
Issue 1 [pp. 1–176]
Volume 138, 2018 (3)
Issue 3–4: Socio-Economics and Its Methodology: German Political Economy, 1896–1938 [pp. 1–369]
Issue 2 [pp. 89–184]
Issue 1 [pp. 1–88]
Volume 137, 2017 (3)
Issue 4 [pp. 331–440]
Issue 3 [pp. 193–329]
Issue 1–2: Institutions in Development Research: Buzzword or Real Impact [pp. 1–192]
Volume 136, 2016 (4)
Issue 4: The Idea of Justice in Economics [pp. 331–415]
Issue 3 [pp. 237–330]
Issue 2 [pp. 131–236]
Issue 1 [pp. 1–130]
Volume 135, 2015 (4)
Issue 4: Health and Labour Markets [pp. 411–562]
Issue 3 [pp. 249–409]
Issue 2 [pp. 109–248]
Issue 1 [pp. 1–108]
Volume 134, 2014 (4)
Volume 133, 2013 (4)
Volume 132, 2012 (4)
Volume 131, 2011 (4)
Issue 4 [pp. 547–650]
Issue 3 [pp. 431–546]
Issue 2: Proceedings of the 9th International Socio-Economic Panel User Conference (SOEP 2010) [pp. 207–429]
Issue 1 [pp. 1–205]
Volume 130, 2010 (4)
Volume 129, 2009 (4)
Volume 128, 2008 (4)
Volume 127, 2007 (4)
Volume 126, 2006 (4)
Volume 125, 2005 (4)
Volume 124, 2004 (4)
Volume 123, 2003 (4)
Volume 122, 2002 (4)
Volume 121, 2001 (4)
Volume 120, 2000 (4)
Volume 119, 1999 (4)
Volume 118, 1998 (4)
Volume 117, 1997 (4)
Volume 116, 1996 (4)
Volume 115, 1995 (4)
Volume 114, 1994 (4)
Volume 113, 1993 (4)
Volume 112, 1992 (4)
Volume 111, 1991 (4)
Volume 110, 1990 (4)
Volume 109, 1989 (4)
Volume 108, 1988 (4)
Volume 107, 1987 (4)
Volume 106, 1986 (6)
Volume 105, 1985 (5)
Volume 104, 1984 (6)
Volume 103, 1983 (6)
Volume 102, 1982 (6)
Volume 101, 1981 (6)
Volume 100, 1980 (6)
Volume 99, 1979 (3)
Volume 98, 1978 (4)
Volume 97, 1977 (4)
Volume 96, 1976 (4)
Volume 95, 1975 (4)
Volume 94, 1974 (4)
Volume 93, 1973 (6)
Volume 92, 1972 (6)
Volume 91, 1971 (6)
Volume 90, 1970 (6)
Volume 89, 1969 (6)
Volume 88, 1968 (6)
Volume 87, 1967 (6)
Volume 86, 1966 (6)
Volume 85, 1965 (6)
Volume 84, 1964 (6)
Volume 83, 1963 (6)
Volume 82, 1962 (6)
Volume 81, 1961 (6)
Volume 80, 1960 (6)
Volume 79, 1959 (6)
Volume 78, 1958 (6)
Volume 77, 1957 (6)
Volume 76, 1956 (6)
Volume 75, 1955 (6)
Volume 74, 1954 (6)
Volume 73, 1953 (6)
Volume 72, 1952 (6)
Volume 71, 1951 (6)
Volume 70, 1950 (6)
Volume 69, 1949 (6)
Additional Information
Journal Details
Economics is social science. This central idea guiding the Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch since its founding in 1871 has lost none of its relevance. Ever more scholars have discovered that an »isolating« economics that removes economic processes from their social, historical, ethical, and ecological contexts in the interest of applying certain formal methods runs the danger of missing important aspects of economic reality. In philosophy, the humanities, and the social sciences, contextualism has grown in importance over the last several years, a core postulate of which is that a fuller understanding of human thought and action requires a grasp of the context in which they are embedded. In line with its original intention, the main objective of Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch is to offer such newer research a forum in which economic life is set in relation to its social and physical environment, particularly where the interface between the economic system and the other systems is studied. Institutional approaches appear to be particularly relevant to this purpose, nevertheless quantitative and qualitative methods are equally welcome. We also wish to solicit contributions that devote themselves to questions of long-term human development and societal change, including those from the perspective of economic history and the history of economic thought. Considering social and normative questions is an important thematic focus in the long tradition of this journal.
This journal is published in Open Access as part of a Subscribe to Open pilot project.
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