Recht und Politik
Recht und Politik
Zeitschrift für deutsche und europäische Rechtspolitik
Volume 60, 2024 (4)
Volume 59, 2023 (4)
Volume 58, 2022 (4)
Volume 57, 2021 (4)
Volume 56, 2020 (4)
Volume 55, 2019 (4)
Volume 54, 2018 (4)
Volume 53, 2017 (4)
Volume 52, 2016 (4)
Volume 51, 2015 (4)
Volume 50, 2014 (4)
Volume 49, 2013 (4)
Volume 48, 2012 (4)
Volume 47, 2011 (4)
Volume 46, 2010 (4)
Volume 45, 2009 (4)
Volume 44, 2008 (4)
Volume 43, 2007 (4)
Volume 42, 2006 (4)
Volume 41, 2005 (4)
Supplement Series
Rechtsstaat und Demokratie in Amerika
Zum Niedergang des liberalen Verfassungssystems in den USA
Recht und Politik. Beihefte, Vol. 11
Additional Information
Journal Details
Recht und Politik (RuP) is a German law journal examining developments in German and European law and policy. RuP focuses in particular on public and constitutional law. From its first issue in 1965, the journal’s approach has been interdisciplinary, blending progressive discussions of legal matters with important political context. German legislative and judicial decision-making is so intertwined with EU legislation and court decisions that RuP is intensifying its attention to EU issues. Starting in 2017, RuP expands its analysis of legal discussions at EU level and publishes selected key documents from the Court of Justice of the EU. Recht und Politik is published quarterly in German. Its readers and contributors are primarily lawyers, judges, legal scholars, political scientists, politicians, and practitioners involved in developing legislation on European and national level. RuP contributors include prominent members of the German legal establishment as well as up and coming scholars and practitioners.
Most-Read Articles (of the last 12 months)

Israels Sicherheit und Existenz zwischen Staatsräson und Rechtsstaatsprinzip
Recht und Politik, Vol. 59 (2023), Iss. 1 : pp. 32–53

Der Gaza-Konflikt und das humanitäre Völkerrecht
Recht und Politik, Vol. 60 (2024), Iss. 1 : pp. 1–11

„Klima-Kleber“ und ziviler Ungehorsam
Legitimationsprobleme für Protestformen mit RechtsbrüchenRecht und Politik, Vol. 60 (2024), Iss. 1 : pp. 12–29

Das Selbstbestimmungsgesetz
Was lange währt, wird endlich gut?Recht und Politik, Vol. 60 (2024), Iss. 1 : pp. 67–70

Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit in der Krise? – Eine transnationale Probe aufs Exempel – USA, Israel, Deutschland, Polen, Ungarn, Ekuador, Südafrika*
Recht und Politik, Vol. 60 (2024), Iss. 1 : pp. 30–48